Patient outreach made easy
Just type a brief description of what you need - we’ll handle the rest.
How it works
Type out the workflow you want to set up in plain English.
No complicated interface to figure out - we’ll generate the logic based on your description.
Our AI builder will review everything with you to make sure you’re happy. Manually edit as much or as little as you want.
Communications go out to relevant patients on your preferred timeline.
Tell us what outcomes you’re looking for and only get charged for the messages that work (e.g. patient schedules a visit). We only succeed if you do.
Simple Setup
No learning curve. No clunky drag-and-drop interface. Just describe what you want in plain English.
Combine email, SMS, and interactive outbound AI phone calls to connect with your patients.
Secure Integration
Safely access patient data to tailor outreach to the right audience.
Built-In Analytics
Get data-driven insights to understand how well your comms are working and make timely changes.